It’s already been 6 months since I started working for Axal Leine with Renny and Natalie! The time has flown by and I’ve been kept super busy with a number of exciting tasks, projects and BAU work, all of which I’m really enjoying.
I’d previously worked with Natalie and Renny, so I knew we would make a good team, which has proved to be the case! I was super grateful for the induction training I received, considering they were so new, but they invested their time to make sure that I had everything I needed to get started.
When I joined Axal Leine, they’d only been operating for 4 months, but they had plenty for me to do! I’ve enjoyed putting new procedures in place and suggesting ideas on how we can improve efficiencies. I’ve also had a few more tasks added to my Job description, like taking responsibility for social media posts, which I’ve never had the opportunity to do before. I’m also learning lots of useful new skills and developing in areas I’d never thought I would. As the months go by I’m getting more involved in other operational tasks relating to HR, facilities and IT, in addition to the client and Candidate matters, which is really exciting and makes my role even more varied and influential within the business than I’d thought it would be when accepting the offer!
In line with government guidance, we are still working from home, but have regular Zoom catch up’s, and are in constant comms with each other, which is what team building is all about. So, I feel I’ve been able to get myself up to speed quickly and make a valuable contribution to the team.
I’m also really pleased at the time being invested in my personal and professional development. We’ve discussed how I would like my career to develop and we’re working on plans to achieve that. I know my contributions are valued and that it’s a two-way street, which is great.
I’ve also spent time growing my network across social media and have been introduced to so many lovely new clients and candidates. I’ve taken the opportunity to start building meaningful relationships with them to deliver services aligned to the brand values of Recruitment, personalised!
We have so many exciting things to look forward to this year like marketing projects, brand promotion, client and candidate events (vaccine roll out dependent!) and more, and I can’t wait.
It is great having a job you love, working within a supportive team and working to such important brand values. I feel very fortunate to have found a role where I’m fully engaged with the work we are doing, and can easily see we’re making a difference to people lives.